Unlock Your Life’s Potential

See how your everyday actions impact getting what you want most out of life.

How It Works

Set Intentions

How do you want to live your life each day?

Configuring your daily intentions is the most important and personal part of the app. These are statements that you want to be true at the end of as many days as possible.

BestSelfApp focuses on the present, on daily intentions rather than long term goals. If you can live more days in line with your intentions, you’re more likely to get whatever it is that you want out of life long term.

What if you could end more days feeling like you’ve lived up to these intentions? That’s the purpose of this app.

Set Events

What might happen each day that could affect achieving your intentions?

Next you setup a list of daily events, things that you do or that happen each day. They could be good or bad, things you ate, people you spent time with, etc.

Anything that you might want to track to see if it has an impact on your intentions.


Log Your Day

Once you’ve setup your Intentions and Events, use the app to track each day if you lived up to your intentions and what events occurred that day.


Uncover Patterns, Improve Your Life

BestSelfApp reveals patterns in your daily activities, highlighting what boosts your goals and what holds you back, by enhancing your mental model. This allows you to make more informed decisions about your activities, understanding their impact beforehand.

Why BestSelfApp?

BestSelfApp aims to help you end more days feeling like you truly lived according to your own definition of success so that you can show up better for everything that’s important to you. It empowers you to live more intentionally by pinpointing daily obstacles that deviate you from your ideal day. The app enhances your understanding of how your actions influence your daily life, helping you visualize their impact more clearly.

Surely you want a lot of things out of life. Improving yourself is a crucial investment because you are at the center of achieving any long-term goal. You’ll need more energy, creativity, rest, and a greater sense of well being to maximize your chances of success. Our daily actions shape our lives. Even a small improvement in something that matters a lot to you, such as having a lot of energy each day, can have a meaningful impact on your life. By aligning your daily actions with your personal definition of success, you indirectly improve your chances of achieving long term goals. BestSelfApp supports you on this journey, guiding you with metrics towards making better every day choices so you can hold yourself accountable to more consistently living up to your own potential, and ultimately have the best chance of achieving your long term goals.

Unpacking Intentions:

A Guide to Getting the Most Out of BestSelfApp

Discover how to set meaningful daily intentions and understand the power of identity in shaping your actions. Learn the difference between goals and intentions, and get tips on tracking events that influence your personal growth.

The Inspiration Behind BestSelfApp

Learn about the origin of BestSelfApp and the reasons that inspired its creation. In this personal blog post, I share the journey behind building the app and how it aims to help you track habits and live up to your potential.

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